Family Computer Classic Mini Unboxing & Hardware Review



Hardware Review

This gloriously glitzy device is basically a Famicom Classic Mini in gold with a new selection of games pre-installed, most of which are licenced titles.

Hardware: Famicom Classic Mini Review

The Famicom Mini is mildly way better than the NES Mini, it gives you a better game selection and instead of waterdown versions of Castlevania, ...

NES ClassicFamicom Mini owners, how is it? : rGames

I did a video review of the famicom mini on my youtube channel here.. long story short, its a really cool device, but the controllers are ...

NESFamicom Mini: Review

Form factor wise, it's great. It looks like a classic Famicom, but it fits in your hand. It's easy to set up — just requiring a USB cable and an ...

Nintendo classic mini family computer(Japan Import)

評分 4.5 (3,881) The Famicom Mini is awesome, has a unique design to it, the controllers are absolutely tiny and plays very well on a PAL tv, the hookup to the console is very ...

Nintendo Famicom Mini Unboxing and Comparison with ...

Comments49 ; SFC Mini REVIEW: This Japanese Super Nintendo Mini HAS EXCLUSIVES! Team Pandory · 6.1K views ; NES Classic With Every NES Game VS ...

Review: Super Famicom Classic Mini

The Super Famicom Classic Mini is an amazing device packed with dozens of hours of fun, especially for its price (7980 yen/USD71 excluding sales tax).

Sizing Up The Famicom Mini, Japan's Version Of The NES Classic ...

While I may have unnaturally large hands, I found the smaller pads on the Famicom Mini quite uncomfortable for any kind of extended play. They ...

The Nintendo Famicon Mini

The Famicon mini was released in Japan in 2016. It includes 30 games from across its life cycle with some of them differing from the US ...

Up close with Nintendo's adorable Famicom Classic Mini

The two 8-bit consoles are basically identical in terms of hardware, but the Famicom's red-and-white physical styling is a lot quirkier; ...


ThisgloriouslyglitzydeviceisbasicallyaFamicomClassicMiniingoldwithanewselectionofgamespre-installed,mostofwhicharelicencedtitles.,TheFamicomMiniismildlywaybetterthantheNESMini,itgivesyouabettergameselectionandinsteadofwaterdownversionsofCastlevania, ...,Ididavideoreviewofthefamicomminionmyyoutubechannelhere..longstoryshort,itsareallycooldevice,butthecontrollersare ...,Formfactorwise,it'sgreat....
